Mittwoch, 18. November 2015

No place called hell

Ich bitte um Verständnis, dass ich aus ganz grundsätzlichen Erwägungen die Quelle der Erkenntnis nicht weiter ausführen kann. Das dient nicht der nationalen Sicherheit unseres Landes.

they break our ties
and tell us that our thoughts are lies
because we know there's nothing on the other side
called hell and they can't seem to keep us down

they break our lovely necks because we stuck them out
because we dare to question what the hell they're on about
and they can't 'seem to keep us down

are you scared 'cause your losing control
are you scared 'cause your losing that hold

so break our bones and back. they'll grow and don't you know
the world you think you own
is only yours on loan
don't you dare to keep us down
don't you dare to keeps us down

are you scared 'cause your losing control
are you scared 'cause your losing that hold

be prepared, you've been warned, you've been told
are you scared 'cause your losing that hold

6 Kommentare:

Gerry hat gesagt…

war is overdue
the time has come for you
to shoot your leaders down
join forces underground

lose control
increasing pace
warped and bewitched
time to erase
whatever they say
these people are torn
wild and bereft
assassin is born

aim, shoot, kill your leaders

oppose and disagree
destroy demonocracy

lose control
increasing pace
warped and bewitched
time to erase
whatever they say
these people are torn
wild and bereft
assassin is born

(aus "Assassin" von Muse)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Uiuiui, jetzt wird`s aber zappenduster.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Rassismusskandal in Frankreich : der pariser Pegida Scheff Franz Holland fordert die Bewaffnung des Bürgers :

Zu den Waffen, Bürger,
Formt eure Truppen,
Marschieren wir, marschieren wir!
Unreines Blut
Tränke unsere Furchen!

besonders schlimm : Franz Holland ( und weitere zig tausend Bürger ) wollen ihre Felder mit dem unreinen Blut düngen .

der Sepp

Eurosprachvereinheitlichungsamt , Brüssel

Anonym hat gesagt…

Der oberste Franzmann watet im Blut, wieder mal. Schlimm.

wolpertinger hat gesagt…

Sehr geehrter Herr anonymer Gurgel,
wollen Sie mit ihren Englischkenntnissen protzen?
Übersetzen sie das doch bitte gleich in's finnische,dann käme ich besser damit zurecht.

wolpertinger hat gesagt…

We came across the west sea
We didn't have much idea of the
Kind of climate waiting
We used our hands for guidance
Like the children of a preacher
Like a dry tree seeking water
Or a daughter
Nice 'n' sleazy
Nice 'n' sleazy does it