Der Tod des früheren libyschen Revolutionsführers und späteren Despoten hat nach Ansicht der deutschen Regierung die Voraussetzungen geschaffen, in Libyen eine wundervolle Demokratie aufzubauen. Nach Ansicht von zehntausenden von Zuschauern, die unser aufrüttelndes Video vom Familienalbum des über vierzig Jahre hinweg unentdeckt gebliebenen Diktators beim Portal Youtube fand, schuf das historische Ereignis aber auch die Voraussetzung, in aller Ruhe und tiefsinnigem Gespräch nach Lösungen für die Probleme der übrigen Welt zu suchen. Der Zwist zwischen Albanern und Serben, das gestohlene Despotengold von Tripolis, Hasspropaganda im Internet - all das kommt zur Sprache, wo sich die Philosophen der Neuzeit zusammenfinden: Im Zwischendeck der Wirklichkeit.
onoxr: The people celebrating the death of Qaddafi, will now enter the system and think it will be free, bunch of fools, now Libya will need bank lending to rebuild and soon the people will be indebted to banks in other countries as "free" , fools do not know the world thoroughly and found that Libya was bad.
Imagine electricity for free I never heard that, but now the guy is dead and died for their country instead of running away and live like a rich man more greedy. Gaddafi a true martyr.
MrPiskopatCcC: Free like Iraq ha ???:)
LGHHJHH: They will suffer they will now breathe and eat chaos for breakfast lunch and dinner
exec0d3: gaddafi is now dead, but where is his money? :|
keepfittildesley: his money? you mean Libyan peoples money? those institutions he gave the money to are very unlikely to hand it back. billoins of untracable dollars. the fools killed him and lost it all. they should have handed him over to the ICC so that they can get Libyan money back where it belongs. A lot of people are very happy right now.billions of dollars. and its not Libyans.
andylumeh: That young man. Aisha Gadafi's husband. He must be the most blessed man on this earth. To marry Gadafi;s daughter. God's favor is upon him. Only few men on this earth have that anointing. And one of them is Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburge who Marry Queeen Elizabeth. I pray that God will make me to marry a beautiful Princess..
Nenadmitrovic1992: Long live Gaddafi and Libya. In the end the tribes will kill all the rebels!!!
TheValmirZz: Hey serbian dog, what the hell you looking here>
Nenadmitrovic1992: Hi albanian pussy, the real question is what the hell are you looking here!? You have no brains for anything.
TheValmirZz: We have engough brains to fuck your mothers and your fucking internet propaganda!!!!
Nenadmitrovic1992:Hahahahahaha dumb ass :D
AdamLibye: You are speaking about someones mothers? You are uneducated idiot from very bad family!!!
monptii: Shut your stinky mouth Idiot! Do not talk bad about my sweetheart Ghaddafi!
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